Referencias – 255 George Street, Sydney
As part of the extensive ground floor building refurbishment to the plaza entry of NAB House, record Automatic Doors was engaged to provide a new revolving door entry. This required alteration works to the existing frameless glazing and a new automatic swing door entry, featuring the DFA 127 automatic swing door operator mounted under the slab to allow for a full frameless glass appearance.
For the new entry to the bank, a special 4 wing frameless glass automatic sliding door system was developed using the record STA 20 system. Controlled by a key switch, the 9.5m wide entry is designed to fully open in the morning, and then close at night. To provide after hours access, the first sliding door panel can open on a card swipe signal. To support this operator, a steel beam, with a black powdercoat aluminium pelmet, was installed across the entry, with a new frameless glass highlight, supported off glass fins above.